-Half Sped-
..:tHe MeN:..


..:cLiCk, cLiCk:..
..:eXpReSsEd In LyRiCs:..
..:Yee Haw!:..
..:GiVe Me A sMiLe:..
..:A pIcTuRe Is WoRtH a ThOuSaNd WoRdS:..
..:KoDaK mOmEnTs:..
..:tHe LaDiEs:..
..:tHe MeN:..


Cody Whalen- Well cuz.. what to say.. oh! remember when you were moving out west and me and sarah attacked u with water guns... god that was fun! It's awesome that you live in Bridgewater now, I would've missed you! =oP haha, Home made boobs hahahah that was great... I meant to say pillows hahah! We have to go bowling sometime soon again.. The dance was scary when you freaked out on me, but I guess you were only doing your job, and that is looking after me =o)
Sawyer Foster-  This life works in such mysterious ways.. you went from a stranger,  to an internet buddy, to a friend, to an crush, to an enemy, to a friend, to a boyfriend to now my friend again wait.. Best friend, right?? Ooooooooga Booooooooga haha thats soooooo old! lol... oh well good times... Teachin' me to skateboard haha... that was a bad idea, oh well it was tons of fun...I'm so not a lesbian whore, you jerk and I dont go "through" guys! We have some very interesting phone calls.. even though half the time we have no clue what to say haha!  Great times hanging out.. oh my.. "So what if I'm spoiled?" lol.. "Ghost!"... Haha.. You can never take a joke.. "Why wont you kiss me?" "Because you're a bad kisser" haha.. ! Us teasing eachother..haha greatness!  I just like to play around.. and remember I dont wanna get hurt.. emotionally.. I've already been physically hurt by you!! My poor thigh!  Plus me smacking my head into the corner of your wall.. oh the pain!  Roblin the Goblin! Soy bean! I love the smell of your axe.. Apollo.. yum.. haha that can is very cold.. brrrr and you just had to put it on my back! haha I really know how to kill the mood eh? "Hey Sawyer, whats the name of this song?" "Ugh, way to kill the mood Robyn" ... ahah We actually made it out of your room.. after like... 5 minutes? lol...  "Dad, ready to go?" "Give me a minute" "We have a minute" haha great... to the closet it is hahaha oh god.. I'm not that loud by the way.. I love the card game... Kick ass game..We've had such great phone conversations! Linny-Roo!!! I learned something from our relationship.. All good things come to an end... And Im thankful for that.. Cuz you are officially an ASSHOLE...
Anthony Cormier-  It will take forever to write a shout out to you, so I'll sum it up!  Remember: Bowling, stinky ducks, Virginia, pankcakes, you and ash, tenting parties, sledding, shack building, walking home from school, walking to school, biking, Ponhook, my obsession over Cody, Forehead shell incident, exhibition, ashely's parties, my party, talking in Pat's room, Paul, my varenda, Betty Lou, Allo?, Rascal, bean picker, blueberry raking, me making friends for you (Jordan), trips to Lunenburg, pool, the pool, Mr.Heap, falling in my drive way, dances, and the list will continue.. Keep it coming
Jamie Brunt- Jamis, well your funny, sooooo funny! I love when you come to the dances because then I have someone sexy to dance with hahaha!! Ur a nice guy, easy to talk to! We've had some funny mems! Half-Sped.. thats really offensive you know, lol! Well I hope we can make some more sexy mems!!
Jeremy Sweeny- Ur a great friend, always there when I need help with anything, I really I'm glad I have you to talk to!!! Whenever you need to talk I'm here for ya! I LOVE YOUR CIVIC..  hahhahahaha You should come to youth group again with us!! Didn't you have fun? lol...I know you like the singing but you can get past that!! haha ... The famine was fun when you showed up! Thanks for the drive to McDonalds.. and also the many drives anywhere! Well I hope we can continue on with memories!
Dave Cyr- David Cyr, What to say about you lol! Well I love your civic! lol... I've known you for a very long time... like a very long time.. lol! Maybe toooooooo long haha j/p! Well we've become friends over the past few months cuz well your going out with a good friend of mine! Haaaaaaa I remember the days I used to chase you around trying to kiss you.. haha.. I was like only 4 haha.. Dave, everytime I look at you doesnt mean I'm coming on to you, just most of the time hahaha If Jenn only knew moahhahaha G-Unit whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!
Tyler Hirtle- Mr.Hirtle, I guess I will be seeing you again next year since you dropped out of English 12.. oh my Tyler.. oh well!  As you would say "Grade 11 What!" hahah! How's McDonalds.. I have to go there sometime to see you working!! Congrats with the cheerleading competition! anyways gotta make some mems!!!
Anthony Lantz- George!! haha, Your in my English class again this year!! Isnt that awesome!! English buddies again!! Jerry!! lol.... man that was one funny time... I'm such an idiot! lol.... Aren't glad your my friend?hahaha... The famine was soooooooo fun!! So glad you were there!!! Loved going out to breakfast/lunch/supper with you after it! hahahha.. Keep those mems coming =o)
Pat Spencer- You and Britt...awwww isnt that cute! haha, you're an awesome guy... short and sweet haha! We don't have too many mems, but we will in time! Little Lake rocks, doesnt it??? haha well hope in the future we can make more memories!
Arthur Delaney- Well you dont live in Bridgewater anymore but I still see you around, and you call me most of the time too so its all good! We should hang out sometime! That would be fun!!
Dan Whynot- You are awesome!! And I am proud of the weight loss!! GO DAN! I can't wait till we get the new theatres.. You are going to the be the first person I go there with!!
Jarrett McNeil- Hi Jarrett! You're a great friend and great person, never change! Too bad you didnt live closer! oh well I still luv ya =o) Can't wait till this summer.. I hope we can spend some time together!!
Jordan Rector- Jordan Rectum, i mean Rector.. hahah sorry lol... U and Ash have been together for a while! I'm not a baby rapist you fool..!!! SPEDRICKS!!! haha best word ever!! You are a pervert.. especially when you get on cam with Ashley in the room with you.. oh god..haha See u in the future! lol
Jon Pelley.- Well we've had some interesting talks on MSN, too bad we dont talk that much in person it would be quite interesting!!
Blair Wamboldt- Hey buddy.. Well you're a new friend of mine, but you're cool!!  You had a wicked party.. I really enjoyed it!! You need to have more.. and invite me again!!  You have really small hands.. you know what that means haha... I guess someday I'll have to found out.. hehehehe haha Just picking chicken.. hahah I love throwing things in your hair.. I'm sorry...Anyway many memories to come =o)

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