-Half Sped-
..:tHe LaDiEs:..


..:cLiCk, cLiCk:..
..:eXpReSsEd In LyRiCs:..
..:Yee Haw!:..
..:GiVe Me A sMiLe:..
..:A pIcTuRe Is WoRtH a ThOuSaNd WoRdS:..
..:KoDaK mOmEnTs:..
..:tHe LaDiEs:..
..:tHe MeN:..

Tiffany Williams- Whoa! We go back a long way! Mushroom cuts, ugly clothes, tom boyish ways, guys, stealing b/f's, stupid things that I say such as "Penis" instead of pink venus, getting crazy marks on tests ( You with your 1.5 and me with my 1 on our math test in grade 9!) , youth group and volleyball. Omg!! Gary Coleman! Can't forget that now can we?? One day I will find out if that was him.. and when it is I'll laugh so hard and say I told you so! Skiing was the best.. Thanks for trying to teach me to ski.. I just wasnt successful lol.. As you would say I spent most of my time on my bum in the snow.. haha great times.. Out of all the things I said there is one thing that I can say is that I wouldnt trade your friendship for anything in the world. =o) I hope the memories keep coming!
Sarah McCarthy- Oh Man! crazy stuff we went through! Jerry!!! Just cock it Sarah!! hahah the bats at the field flying around our heads! RIGHT THURR! Hot guys at the mall in Halifax, you dating Jordan,  you getting your belly button pierced (2 times, me there both times) ahahaha the dance... hitting Bobi with a water bottle.. haha!! Playing virtual volleyball.. Go me and my sucky ways "Robyn go to the arrow.  Robyn your off the court again." "Oh thats me?" man i'm dumb! hahaha! Stop getting the same Xmas presents as me!  Do you stalk me?? lol...  I guess we just have the same interests! lol!  The smell of Axe is so great... =o).. It's all about Apollo.. haha at Walmart!! hahaha French hookers hahah OMG!! Those hot guys at the Halifax Shopping Centre.. ahah they waved to us!! YAH!!! haha You just had to drop your money didnt you.. nice!Great times always!  Thanks for being a good friend Sarah I hope that we keep making mems! =o)
Kaeli-Anne Hillier- Kaeli, Kaeli, Kaeli, your soooooooo cool!! Man I have so much fun around you! We have known each other since grade primary! hahha Playing the ribs!... Omg! Your tent party was cool!! Sleeping in Jordans tent haha... me, you, jordan, tyler, erin and Karl!! hahaha.. we broke the rules!! KAELI MOMENTS! Flying into the cupboards in math class!! HAHAHA that was funny! Many trips to the mall! Ur cackly laugh ahhaa! Well I hope we can make more funny mems!! =o)
Brittany Surette- Britt wow...  So glad I met you when I did!  I still remember your 16th bday party at Little Lake.. going swimming... some great mems from that.. such as blue shorts.. water... tightness... lol... you get where I am going with that lol... I remember that dance night at Little Lake.. great times, and then the LHS dance.. which sucked oh well.. we had fun.. and then the Battle of the Bands.. with hot guys!  Then there was my dance.. that was fun.. haha Mark peeing off the back of ur truck lol.. cute... and then there was this summer.. gotta love summer right?? I love Little Lake soooooooo much... I'm gonna get a tent there this summer!! haha and party all night long with you and Patty lol.... ahaha the things you tell me... "You just kinda crouch" "Sock a cock" hahahahhaha.. well I hope we can generate more mems!!
Ashley Anderson- ...Ash!! mems upon mems! My daddy calls David Lufer hahahahahhaha I remeber that was in grade...7? math class.. man funny... The dances are great.. PVEC ones arent tho right?? CHOWDER!!!! hahahhhaa.. GET LOW tetetete whatever they say in that song.. haha it makes me laugh..Do I embarass you at the mall.. dancing and laughing hahaha! When its time to meet "the guy" I wont use names haha, we are going together just in case right?? Hhaha the PVEC dance.. omg haha.. that guy getting all up in your grill haha.. that was so fuckin funny. I could not stop laughing! Remember the band festival.. "Band Festival gone bad" hahaha  I took my clarinet and shoved it down his thoart hah..  hahah Petit Dennis! Tenting tape.. mohahaha black mail You are truly a good friend... I can always count on you! Keep em coming Ash!
Melissa Church- Crazy one you are! U're a great person to talk to! We can open up to each other and not care about anything! Which is awesome! Remember the Cody conflicts?? I do! Dont think I can forget... I love your kareokee machine, even though I cant even sing its still hilarious trying to singing country hits!! You're moving.. to Yarmouth.. =o(.. I'm gonna miss you a lot.. You're a great friend!! hhaah playing crazy eight countdown... me saying ow and you going ha ha.. hahahaha "I think I'm gonna pee my pants" ohhhhhhhhhh my hahahah funniness! Well I hope we make a whole bunch of mems in the future! =o) P.S. Dont worry he'll come someday!
Candace Feener- Sup Chickie?  Your wicked! Well you don't go our school anymore, but oh well... how's PVEC?! We knew each other since we were 4!! You have pics of your fourth bday party and I'm there!! RAZZLE!!! hhahah Rusty penis!  Oh man.. how are the purple spandex? the caps? the permed hair?? enough bad mems haha... Great times we had.. Making jam in the garage crushing it with a hockey puck, going on a picnic with our boyfriends in grade 4.. haha eating subs from Subway and us making fruit salad.. lol.. Oh my god.. singing in the garage to the Spice Girls and the guys singing to the Backstreet Boys.. The Aaron Carter concert haha wicked time there, we were so cool...Playing barbies!  Watching porn haha.. man we are soooooo bad...Sawyer leading us both on.. arg.. he did and we both know it.. jerk haha!  Well I hope we can make some mems this year!! =o)
Sarah Pollard- Your gone =o(... So far... *sniff sniff*... I miss you, come back!! You have to visit me!! The next time your in town call me!! I'm in the phone book if you can't remember my number!! You're a kick ass gurl!!!!!! MISS YA!!! =o(
Jennifer Nauss- You and Dave! Who would have ever thought?  You're so funny, so blonde! lol... Volleyball was fun, the rides going to the games were  fun when I got to go with you!!! haha I love being in french class with you.. we have some good talks in that class..? Swimming in May.. lol...enough said lol.. Keep the mems coming! =o)
Bobi-Jo LeBlanc- Hey Bubby Jew! lol... hahahah, well you're an awesome chick! Always talking about your Digby and Yarmouth boys.  I need to meet some of these guys they sound awesome! You're an awesome cheerleader too!!  Well I hope we get to share some more mems together!! =o)
Mary Bateman- Mary! You're awesome! Art class is wicked!! You're a great cheerleader, keep up the good work!! YAY for braces haha.. at least they are pink, right? Well hope we can share more mems together this year!! =o)
Emma Becker- Hey Em! Volleyball was great this year! You're such a cool chick, and sooooooo fun!! haha... Math class is fun with you, us gossiping and such! Don't worry.. The hot list! YAY!! haha Kink master..  freaky things in math class... My sneeze "gimp" haha..well I hope we can make more memories this year!!
Sarah Burton- Hi Sarah, whats shakin? lol.... Your such a loser, loser kid hahahha j/k!  Math class is fun/boring lol... we dont have too many memories yet, but we'll make some! CURTAIN!!!!!!
Jenn Richards- Well you are great, funny and nice, oh and down right sexy hahah!  We hardly know each other, but from what I know about you, you seem alright!! I mean your cool enough to come on my wicked site, eh?? lol, Well I hope we spend more time together, Good Luck to you and Blair!
Crystal Armstrong- Hey Pumpkin Face!! hahahaha, u're cool! Crazy drive to Lunenburg to have lunch.. It's a good thing you have ur full! Too bad we didnt see any seals at Green Bay.. oh well 'twas a fun trip! We share a few classes this year.. such as English hhahah English class memories! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehawwwwwww hahahahahaha the speds hahaha!! Woooooooooo Hooooooo
Kandace Klassen- Hello Kandy! U're such a good person! You're someone I count on when I having trouble in Bio!! haha!! I always have someone to talk to when you're online! We have some great chats, whether its about school or boys its always great!!The PVEC dance was great.. Especially that random guy you danced with eh? Well I hope we talk more!!
Julia Maxwell- Hey Jules! Such a wicket chick! You're one of my couple friends from the Yak lol... We always know what to talk about or should I say who to talk about? lol... I can't wait till this summer when we can go camping with all the pplz! haha, Can't wait to meet you!!
Ashley Dejeet- Hey Chickie! Your awesome! You always know how to have a good time! The dances are wicked when you're there, because theres always someone to dance and hang around with. You now come to youth group, isnt it fun??  I hope that we can hang out some more and become better friends!!
Lindsay Veinotte- You are just so cool that I decided to put you on my crappy site!  I still remember the time we went to the babysitting course.. Oh that was wonderful lol... I didn't think I would ever see you again.. How weird things are eh?? You're a great friend, I dont know what I'd do without you.. You helped me get over Sawyer!! And you stood up for me too! That means a lot! Thanks... Well I hope we can hang out sometime so we can make more mems!!