-Half Sped-
..:PaR-tAy:.. | ..:cLiCk, cLiCk:.. | ..:eXpReSsEd In LyRiCs:.. | ..:Yee Haw!:.. | ..:-LiNkS-:.. | ..:GiVe Me A sMiLe:.. | ..:A pIcTuRe Is WoRtH a ThOuSaNd WoRdS:.. | ..:KoDaK mOmEnTs:.. | ..:tHe LaDiEs:.. | ..:tHe MeN:.. | ..:-mOi-:.. | ..:ShMeAh:.. | ..:JoScHo:..


Leah's OWN Page

Oh Leah, where to begin.. You are the sister that God forgot to give me.. We've known each other for 2 and a half years.. it I'm glad that I met you when I did.. You are truly an amazing person!!  We probably spend the most time together out of all of our friends.. probably because you're always at my house!  We've had many ups and downs in our friendship.. But we manage to work things out for the best!  So many memories we've shared... Like all the roadtrips!! Halifax, Lunenburg, the valley, etc... They were all fun!! You always do my eyebrows for me, which I am thankful for.. cuz if it wasnt for you I would look verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry bad!!  We have had great times at the mall too... I still remember you dancing in Zellers and me being very embarassed with you.. but I could care less now...

Me and Leah