-Half Sped-


..:cLiCk, cLiCk:..
..:eXpReSsEd In LyRiCs:..
..:Yee Haw!:..
..:GiVe Me A sMiLe:..
..:A pIcTuRe Is WoRtH a ThOuSaNd WoRdS:..
..:KoDaK mOmEnTs:..
..:tHe LaDiEs:..
..:tHe MeN:..


I decided to finally make you your own page cause I noticed I was using up a lot of space on the other shout out part!!!
            You're the bestest guy friend ever!! We've got some really funny memories, such as, McDonalds "It tickled my lip!" at my house "People say I can get really small",  haha how about you go and "loose" yourself haha u're such a "looser" hahaha never wear shorts again at my house while u have one of your legs up oh dear.. my poor virgin eyes.. hahahaha Im ruined.. RUINED lol... We can never be serious with each other, even when I try to be mad at you it never works! I always laugh! I loved when you took me driving Jordan! That was wicked!! hahah, we have to do that again! ! I love Monday's, dont you? Thats when we get to spend 2 whole hours together! It's awesome!  I remember that time I went to one of your parties and you invited Dan.. and remember the bathroom incident? That was totally not funny.. I cant believe you, being my best friend, did not try to stop him!! Remember that time down in Tiffany's basement dressing up in all the crap clothes.. haha oh man that was awesome.. you looked like Hugh Heffner with that robe on and the garbage bag on your head.. we have to play pool again this year in my basement.. But we wont invite Dan hahaha.. Bad memories with that eh? Man next time we watch a movie its gonna have male porno on it.. ugh... gross...  I dont wanna see that lol..My Immortal is going to haunt you forever.. hahaha It's such a good song, dont you think so?? ahahaha Sorry Joe.. I can't help from liking it and playing it when u're around...Stealing straws from Wendy's is fun hahaha.. 70+ in total!! Next time you say that something is a bad idea or whatever I will listen to you.. I should have in the first place.. but I'm glad that you're still my friend and you are here to help me out with everything!! Jordan you're the best and you're always there for me no matter what and I'm forever going to be in your debt =o) You're like a brother to me THANK YOU!! I hope we can make tons more mems! Luv ya Joe!=o) *Hugz*  Good Luck with Tara!
