-Half Sped-
..:PaR-tAy:.. | ..:cLiCk, cLiCk:.. | ..:eXpReSsEd In LyRiCs:.. | ..:Yee Haw!:.. | ..:-LiNkS-:.. | ..:GiVe Me A sMiLe:.. | ..:A pIcTuRe Is WoRtH a ThOuSaNd WoRdS:.. | ..:KoDaK mOmEnTs:.. | ..:tHe LaDiEs:.. | ..:tHe MeN:.. | ..:-mOi-:.. | ..:ShMeAh:.. | ..:JoScHo:..



Had a great time everyone.  Thanks for the gifts and for showing up.. I know some of you couldnt come, thats alright.. Even though you missed a kick ass party.  So thanks again to everyone.


Left to right: Sarah P, Crystal, Ashley, Jeremy, Jordan S, Jordan R(who you can hardly see), Kaeli, (then come down in the middle sort of) Tiff, Jenn, Dave, Jamie, Anthony, (now to the front) Candace, Sarah M, Leah, Me and Sawyer.


Left to right: Anthony, Jeremy, Jordan, Dave, Me, Sawyer, Jamie, Jordan R and Patrick in front


Left to right: Ashley, Crystal, Sarah P, Tiff, (middle) Sarah M, Me, Kaeli, Jenn, (front) Leah, and Candace